I have always been captivated by flowers. The combination of their beauty and impermanence reminds me to slow down and be present in the moment.
There is a cyclical nature to flowers and vegetation that mirrors our own lives. From a hard seed comes a delicate shoot, which reaches skyward almost too quickly, emerging healthy and robust and beautiful. Blink again, and that beautiful flower is enmeshed in a tangled thicket of branches and weeds and vines. I enjoy pruning and weeding, holding onto beauty and order for as long as possible, fighting the inevitable decay and desiccation until the great wheel turns again and it is time to start over.
Botanicals are a reminder that we too experience dynamic cycles in our lives, whether it be in careers, our friendships or our family. Like flowers and plants, we evolve, growing stronger each year, pushing forward and surmounting the many obstacles that come our way.
I wonder, if there is one flower you could plant and watch grow, which one would it be?